Saturday, June 27, 2009

Remembering the Life and Legacy of the King of Pop

Regardless of my young age, I grew up on Michael Jackson. I remember living in California as a kid and my mom blaring Prince, Janet or Michael as she cleaned the house and I sat in our large townhouse doing my homework or playing with our dog Ebony. I remember our sound system sitting on top of the elegant fireplace and how I would get on tip-toe and reach to turn the volume up to my favorite Michael Jackson songs. I used to dress up like Janet and had perfected the dance patterns to her song "Rhythm Nation" by the age of six. Even at the "golden" age of twenty-two, I still admire the work that Michael has done and have greatly mourned his loss. This is all to say that not everyone my age sees Michael as a pedophile and the freaky guy that had a skeleton nose.

In all honesty, I think that Michael was more misunderstood than anything. There are the speculations that he molested children, and that he paid off the defendants in a settlement. But, to be honest with you, if my child was ever sexually abused or molested by anyone money could never keep me quiet. There is no price for my child's mental stability and safety. I would fight until the perpetrator was in prison where he belonged, no matter how rich or famous he was. I really don't think that Michael was guilty and it has nothing to do with the fact that I loved him so. Michael was a very private man, loved and adored his children to the point where he did not want to taint them or expose them to the world of music and paparazzi and he was very caring. I don't really care what everyone else says about Michael, and I honestly think that people can be cold, malicious, rude, disgusting and vile. Michael was a great man; everyone has their problems and if someone tries to claim themselves as perfect, then I'd like to see them try to kick Jesus off His throne and take His place. All I can do for Michael Jackson now is continue to listen to his legendary music and pray that he is resting in the arms of the Heavenly Father.

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