Monday, June 22, 2009

Pipin's Song

Home is behind
The world ahead
And there are many paths to tread
Through shadow
To the edge of night
Until the stars are all alight
Mist and shadow
Cloud and shade
All shall fade
All shall fade

I've always loved this song that was sung in the Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King movie. The lyrics are very enticing, not to mention the young gentleman that played Pipin has a spectacular angelic voice. This song reminds me of writing...not surprisingly. In my eyes, the world is my ink pad and all I have to do is dip my quill in it and spread the ink across crisp white paper. Writing automatically assigns us different paths that we have to cross, whether it be to make us a better writer or whether it be to make us realize how horrible of writers we are. Writing can be very disappointing at times, especially if you feel so passionately about something and no one else has that same fire. If it were possible for us to have the supernatural ability to force people to feel what we feel, I am sure that there would be thousands more authors out there, who just needed the opportunity to prove themselves.

I cannot express to you how heart-retching it is to try and get your work out there and yet no one seems to care about you or the blood, sweat and tears that you've put into your masterpiece. My mind continues to spill miraculous ideas on to paper, and it seems as if those ideas are empty promises. I never knew as a writer that one could have so much power to influence people by the ideas that come out of one's head. It is highly fascinating. I wish to share my dreams, ideas, memories, spontaneous moments and mystical lands filled with creatures to the entire world. I think everyone should have that chance. Even someone as mediocre and dimwitted as me. I am certainly no Stephen King, but I am presumptuous enough to say that I have a talent that shouldn't just sit in the dark attic of my brain to grow cobwebs and stink like mothballs. Self-satisfaction and self-achievement is not enough for someone like me. I am the type of person who will not only recognize a God-given gift when it is right in front of your face, but I will also use any resources available to let everyone else out there know that I have that gift.

Nothing will ever stop me from giving up, not even constant failure.

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