Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Query...ugh, that deadly word

Yup, I'm at the stage where I have started to send out query letters (feels like a whip is being struck across my back every time I say the "Q" word). It is truly a painful task, especially when experiencing is lacking under the belt. In all honestly, I feel as if I am walking around with my pants around my ankles with how much experience I am lacking. I've never been published. Not once. That even includes a crappy short story I published in high school called "Pandemic". I was so disgusted by the thing that I vomit every time I think of the time and paper that was wasted to print it.

It is not fun, and I am a rather impatient person. I've spent...let's see...four months pumping out a book. That is long enough. Then I have to sit down and actually attempt to squeeze my 135,000 page novel into one short page? Impossible. I hate the process of waiting for someone to finally say, "Aha! You do have talent. Let me represent your work for you!" It is a sad thing to sit and wait by your mailbox (or inbox if you send via email) and wait for a rejection or acceptance letter. It can be devastating if you are rejected. Trust me. I know. My last novel merited nearly 15 rejection letters. I canned that novel and wrote "Immortal Blood". WHICH IS FINISH BY THE WAY! Well, of course it is finished. It had better be if I am sending out query letters. (My advice to those of you trying to submit your manuscript: FINISH YOUR MANUSCRIPT BEFORE QUERYING ANYONE!!! GAH!)

All I am asking is that someone out there keeps me in their prayers!!!

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