Sunday, June 21, 2009


Recently, I've realized that writing can give you blisters. I am certain that it can give you physical blisters, but I am more or less speaking on the terms of emotional, spiritual and mental blisters. These blisters form during the sweet nights where dreams exist; or when you're driving down the street to pick your over-excited child up from school; or when you're cuddling under the arm of your significent other. These blisters form in the subconciousness of your mind, being filled with story and character ideas instead of serum fluid. Suddenly, as you're sleeping, driving or cuddling, you spring awake and your mind takes over. You're determined not to forget your idea and so you are drawn to writing it down. In your bedroom, you scramble for the notepad and pen that you keep secured away in your nightstand for times like this. In your car, you scrawl across coffee stained napkins while driving. Insead of cuddling, you give your all to the scrap of notebook paper that you find nestled under the coffee table. Fear overtakes you as you are determined not to forget one word that your blister is painfully trying to scream to you. The ointment that sooths this sore is the pen and paper or the keyboard of your computer. These things cause the blister to burst and bring forth a magnificent masterpiece. Inspiriation flows and creativity becomes king.

These are the ticklish pains of writing.

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